समाज मे बदलाव लाने के लिए जरूरी है कि आप क्षेत्र की महिलाओ को जागरूक करे महिलायें समाज का ऐसा हिस्सा है जो सही और गलत को बिना किसी लालच के आंकलन करके समाज को दर्शाती है और जरूरत पड़ने पर गलत लोगो के खिलाफ
Now a days the states are competing each other to show higher percentage of newly educated people. Some states are showing 80%, some states are showing 75%. However it is very much doubtful about the actual figure. In old days students struggled to get marks
An incident i observed in Gurgaon and felt very bad. I was returning home along with my wife. That day we did not use our car. instead we were walking. Near Goldsuk Mall we saw one lady, looking like from North-eastern states was waiting for Auto